Friday, July 28, 2006

Everyone's a critic...

I'm so sleepy. This heat has taken it's toll. I mistakenly read a headline on as: "Eno Filling in on Ebert & Roeper." Actually, it's Leno, as in Jay. Needless to say, my blurry-eyed mistake is about a hundred thousand times better of a choice. I'd rather have them dig up Siskel's bones and place them artfully in the aisle seat, than listen to Jay Leno twitter on about how great "Talladega Nights" is. Sorry Gene, that's really rude. But Eno would be a good choice. How about "Eno & Hussein"? Or "Cheney & Ono"? "Wait, "Eno & Ono"!
Too music biased... "Hussein & Cheney," I'd watch that. Umm... "Lama & a Stick Insect injected with pharmaceutical morphine"? Too incomprehensible. Or if they must: "Leno & Herzog." It'd be fun to watch Werner Herzog shred Leno like a grizzly bear. I'm a punchy monkey. What other combos could host that dumb show and make it interesting?


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