Tuesday, January 17, 2006


Migration patterns are interesting aren't they? Birds are so much more predictable than us itinerant humans. Or are they? Let's do some big city math. After 9/11 many New Yorkers pulled up stakes and moved to Los Angeles (they're still complaining about the bagels, but they're getting used to picking fresh fruit from the backyard). Likewise, many (but far fewer) Angelinos have gone to NY in search of bigger prospects and true grit (that doesn't exist anymore. Each time I go to NY it resembles, more and more, the worst most commercially overblown aspects of LA). Then you've got the British, who used to go to Italy for their sunshine, but now they seem to be here in LA shedding their reserve. The Russians have been here for ages, and seem to relish occupying faded, pistachio, stucco dingbat condos in a way no American ever could match. I have no idea what percentage of Americans are moving to Europe these days. Less than in previous decades I imagine. Although you could say that plenty of NY/LA celebrity "royalty" has gone overseas in search of their respective castles. Madonna, Gweneth Paltrow, and Johnny Depp spring to mind. But these exceptions aside, the push of bodies seems to be Westward. You could also argue that the push of (pop) culture goes from West to East. In other words, all these exotic migratory birds who land in LA with the ideas and the focus and the intellectual rigor borne from points East, then regurgitate their creative loads into the mouths of a thousand gaping printing presses, broadcast machines, and satellite transmitters in order to beam messages of rampant mediocrity back home. Did you know that the number one television show in Moscow is Dallas? I'd like to say this proves my point, but actually, I think that speaks to a far more complicated cultural exchange.

I know, I know. Stereotypes abound. Don't get your feathers all ruffled. What's in your blood, titmouse?


Blogger pigatschmo said...

The grass is greener on the other side, but weather is real.

7:50 PM  

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