Friday, March 12, 2010

Skafish as a baby...

The internet is great. The most obscure thing becomes mundane in a nanosecond. Case in point, take Jim Skafish. The most famous musician I know without a wikipedia page. To be honest, I can't say I know a single note of his musical oeuvre, but I can say that his outstanding face made an impression on my young self sequestered in a verdant world of nice pert noses and people. And so there is Skafish as a baby. Did you ever think you'd encounter a Skafish as a baby photo before you encountered him as a man photo?

It comes as no surprise to me that yours truly would inherit a Skafishian nose by psychic proxy. I thoroughly willed myself a nose that would take me away from all of those perfect people who bored me to sniffles even as a pre-teen. Which is to say I would have been about twelve when this image came into my life, thanks to some culturally advanced and/or deviant older brothers. (btw, get some of those if you can, they make life so much more interesting and complicated).

What do you need to know about Skafish? Absolutely nothing. But if I've piqued your curiosity at all, and you need to know in that internet groping way, well, I'm sure this site will be of great assistance.


Blogger Sarah Bay Williams said...

"inherit a Skafishian nose by psychic proxy" Umm... I have to disagree....

5:00 PM  
Blogger PABLO GAZPACHOT said...

yes... but maybe "nose" is code for something else...

10:13 PM  

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