Monday, May 12, 2008

Hypnogogic Zoo debut...

I do believe it's time to reveal my new blog: Hypnogogic Zoo.

I know, the title doesn't exactly roll off the tongue. Hypnogogic you ask? Don't worry, you won't have to say it much... Weddings, sporting events, political rallies, religious gatherings, important office meetings, movie theaters, etc.

It is true that animals are an abiding obsession in the realms of Gazpachot. I've had the notion of a dedicated animal zone for a while, and frankly I don't know why it took so long to come crawling out of its hole. At any rate, I hope you enjoy it and look forward to your feedback.

My take is this: Animals effect us on two important levels 1) as other living beings with whom we share this planet, and 2) as potent, dreamlike triggers that reach deep into the mind's eye and shape various aspects of our own consciousness.

As humanity moves further away from nature, I can't help but feel that we are continually haunted by a kingdom of beautiful and mysterious creatures – conscious, living reminders of a natural world, a world that predates and underlies our own species' master creation: civilization. They do not judge us, in fact many of them seem quite adaptable to our modernity. In return we anthropomorphize them to suit our needs and alleviate our frustration over their inscrutability.

Yes, Gazpachot will continue in full force, so stay tuned in here for your daily soup. I thank you for stopping by both sites whenever you can.


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